
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Gift

 I'll be honest here. I really don't know what I want for Christmas this year. I always know what I want for Christmas, but not this year. I guess I should get a puppy. Yup I want a puppy, specially a White Maltese or a Golden Retriever. I believe they are the cutest puppies. They are awesome.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

should animals be used for medical testings?

Should animals be used for medical testing?
According to the UK Home Office Minister Joan Ryan "animal research has played a part in almost  every medical breakthrough of the last century. It has saved hundreds of millions of lives worldwide...". Research on living animals has been practiced since at least 500 BC. Though should animals still be used for medical testing? Many people say that animals should be used for medical testing because they are easily replaced. Which is mean to say. They say the animals also suffer through similar diseases as humans, like cancer. So it's better to test with them to get better results. Many people say that some diseases and medical conditions have been completely wiped out because of advances developed from testing on animals. And most importantly they say that if animals hadn't been tested then there would be 35% less humans in this world, because they would die of diseases, or their sickness. But according to the Food And Drug Administration "92 out of the 100 drug tested on animals that have also passed, have failed on humans."
On the other hand people think completely the opposite. They say why hurt animals? When people say that animals are being used to get medication for the humans' sicknesses, some people say "people don't know that they are sick until the doctor tells them. So then how is it the animals fault. Why blame them? Why use them for testing?"

Many people start giving the following reasons:
  • They didn't do anything to you.
  • Humans can find more things to test on!
  • they have nothing in common with us.
  • Why put them in pain, if they didn't put us in pain. It's our fault that we get sick.
  • They don't hurt us when they are sick.
  • They die because of these tests.
So should animals be used for medical testing ? Please  share your opinions down below.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Great Quotes

  Hi guys! These two quotes are basically what I believe are so true. They kind of represent me. So the first quote is from the Divergent Series by Veronica Roth. When I first read Divergent I got so obsessed with it. I totally think that this quote is so true. I do taekwondo and our leaders and instructors tell us to face our fears. Before I never thought about my fears, I just kept them hidden. I never wanted to face them. But now, I believe that my fears are just bad dreams and there is nothing to be scared of. Fears are just bad dreams that only wake you up. 

Always remember to smile! That's what I do. We never know when our smile can make others smile, or it can even make their day or make them happy. Like one of my best friend always has a smile on her face. Seeing her smile, a smile always appears on my face. So I would say "don't forget to smile". 