
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Dean's Diary

I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so  sooooooo excited to write this post!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure you already realized that but I still wanted to tell you all that. So... wait a minute... I think you are starting to hate the word "so" because you've seen it so many times already on this blog. It might make you go crazy when you see this word again so I'll try hard not to use this word. Wait... I'm sorry I didn't realized I used the word "so" again. Sorry!! Wait I used it again. Gosh!!! This is hard.
Anyway I was told to write a diary blog, so I though a lot about it and I came up with an idea that I'll write something related to SuperNatural, which is my favorite show. I'm just telling you all that. If you don't know what SuperNatural is, then go to my other blog that's all about Supernatural. Now go go!!! Hurry up!!
And now the rest of you, who already know what Supernatural is keep reading. If you want to! But this blog is a diary post of Dean, who is a actor on the show. So as you know that Dean and Sam's mother dies in season 1 episode 1 by an evil force, I though about writing about this incident and how Dean felt it. This incident changes the whole Winchester family's life, Dean, Sam, and John who is Dean and Sam's father live a completely different life after this incident. Mary is their mother who is killed by an evil force. Now let me tell you this that the evil force is actually a demon. (Ya now some of you might get interested in this). So anyway when Mary is killed (I like used the term "killed" better than "dies" or "died" because it gives the readers a better understanding and because it's true) Dean was 4 and Sam was only 6 months old. It was a tragedy, a terrible one. I can't imagine what a 6 month baby would have felt at that moment, looking up at the ceiling straight from his bed he could see his mother burning on the ceiling. That is terrible. But I guess the 6 month old baby didn't have any idea of what's going on. And think about this incident from a 4 year old boy's perspective. I can't imagine this, it's just terrifying. I actually cried a lot, meaning a lot when I watched the very first episode of Supernatural. I cried when I saw the 4 year old boy running out of his house with a baby in his hands. I cried but I also smiled seeing Dean being so brave. I love the character Dean in Supernatural.
I'm about to start on the diary part of this blog but before I do, just remember one thing that Dean whose diary this is was 4 years old when this incident happened and now he is way older and he is writing about the incident. And it brings a flashback to that day. So remember he is telling us what happened that day and how he felt.
And yes I totally forgot to say sorry because I used the word "so" again and again. I'm sorry I used it again, and I know some of you hate that word. But sorry!! And if Dean uses that word, then it's not my fault. So don't get mad at me. Sorry once again!!

March 8, 2016

Dear Diary,

It was November 2nd, 1983 when mom was killed by a demon. Killed... ya killed!!! I don't know how to explain this to you diary but seriously if you were a human or something that you see with, then you'd know what I mean. I saw her myself burning on the ceiling of Sam's room. Dad had gotten there first before me.
 I had noticed that even Sam and dad looked terrified. I even remember what dad exactly told me to do: "take your brother outside as fast as you can, Dean!"
I even did that, but I still remember those flames killing my mom. I know it for sure that mom was killed by a demon. I will find that demon at any cost!!
 That day everything went perfect, except what happened later at night. That night mom, dad and I tried to put Sam to asleep but he didn't. Mom and dad tried a lot but nothing seemed to work, at least that's what I thought. At last mom told me to go to my room and sleep, she also told dad to go rest or watch TV and she'll be there in a few minutes. Dad and I went up to Sam who was in his crib, and I leaned over to kiss Sam. I love Sam, I love him more than anything.
 I left the room. After that, well I wasn't there to see what happened but everything seemed normal cause I didn't hear any weird sounds. I'm guessing mom stayed in Sam's room putting Sam to asleep for a few minutes. She might have sang him lullabies like she did to me. Wait... I feel like I'm forgetting something. But what is it? Oh I know, that day, yes that day, dad seemed worried. He had tension on his face. Even mom asked him what was wrong, but he didn't answer. I knew that he knew something was wrong. But he didn't tell anyone. I was too little to ask him about those stuff and I didn't ask him that day.
 Well actually I didn't ask him because I was scared of him. I don't know how to explain this but dad has two different sides of him. One side is of course a loving and caring father and the other side is the side that makes me call him sir. I have to call him sir when he gives me orders. I know it's weird but I still have. That day I was just scared to talk to him about that, because I knew something was wrong. Dad has always been protective towards us. So I didn't want to talk to him about it.
 So I was in my room trying to sleep, but I couldn't. I kept getting nightmares, and they were horrible. I hated them. Whenever I'd have nightmares I would start kicking the bed and screaming. They were that terrifying, they were about all those bad things that no 4 year-old kid would want. But lucky dad was always there. I feel so protected when dad is with me. He is awesome. I love my dad. I love him so much. Even that night, the first night of our worst life's beginning, dad came into my room.
 "Bad dreams?" dad asked.
 "Ya, I'm scared dad. They are really bad". I remember these exact words, I just remember everything that happened that night.
 "Well don't worry. I'm here. I won't let anything come near you... or Sammy." Dad promised. And he didn't. He didn't let anything happen to Sammy or me. But he couldn't save mom. I know that if dad might have gotten there earlier then he could have maybe saved mom. But maybe no. What if he got there earlier and he couldn't save mom, then he might have even lost his life too. I know that that demon is very strong. But I don't care how strong it is, Sam and I will defeat that demon soon.
 Though dad's hands were rough and strong that night having his hand on my forehead felt safe and great! Those hands gave me a good sleep... at least for some time.
 Then suddenly I heard a scream, that woke me up. It was mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ran out of my room. I was just about to go down the stairs when I saw dad run into Sam's room. "Oh no! Sam." I thought. All I cared about at that time was my family's safety. They were in danger and I was only 4. I don't know what I could have done. Though I had a feeling that my nightmares were coming true. I ran into Sam's room. And there, I can't even explain the scene that was going on. Mom. She was on the ceiling staring at Sam. Her eyes wide open, just looking straight at Sam who was in his crib looking at mom with watery eyes. I felt so bad for him and dad and for me. And then I realized something, mom gave up her life to save Sam!!!!!!! Oh boy!! All I could think of at that minute was to get Sam out of there. Dad looked at mom burning in fire for a second and took Sam out of the crib as fast as he could. He handed me Sam and said those words "take your brother outside as fast as you can, Dean!". And I did. I folded my arms carefully around baby Sam and ran outside like a crazy kid. I ran as fast as I could. And as I was running I was crying, hoping that dad would save mom, but I knew that that wasn't possible. Though I hoped that at least dad would come out safely. I ran across the street. I looked back at my house, it was burning, and mom and dad were in there.
 "Daddy please come out!!!! I'm scared" I cried out with tears running down my face quickly still having Sam in my arms. Soon dad came out. He hugged us. I knew mom was gone. Forever. I knew dad was sad too, and he wanted to cry really loud too, just like me. But he stayed strong for us, he knew that if he becomes weak then we'll become weak too. I could see the tears in his eyes, but dad had held them back. His eyes yelled out one thing to me "I want Mary alive!".
 Soon the crowd gathered. Police had come. Dad told them that mom died in the fire, and he doesn't knw who started it. But I knew he was lying. We both knew he was lying!
 After that day, dad never spoke about it again! But I knew that in his head all he kept saying was "I'm going to find out what happened to my wife!"
 And now Sam and I are determine to find that demon too. Oh, I for sure know it that we will find it soon, and we will kill it so that no other kid has to go through what I went through, or what Sam saw. We will find it and we have to find it, what if it does the same thing to other people what it did to mom. Then another 4 year old boy and another 6 month old baby will witness the scariest scene. I don't want any kid or anyone to see that.

Mr. Demon now you can't hide from us. We are coming. So good luck to you cause I'm coming with my brother to finish you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck!!!!!!!!!


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